


In accordance with the Decree issued from Lamemba No. 357/DE/A.5/AR.10/IV/2023, stating that
Economics Study Program at the Trisakti University Masters Program, West Jakarta City
Accredited with a rating of Excellent

Certificate of Accreditation

SK Lamemba

Previously Master of Economics Trisakti University Accredited “A” from BAN PT

Number:  1376/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/M/V/2017

In this case, we can explain that the accreditation rating of Master of Economics at Trisakti University does not decrease because the Accreditation Rating Assessment determined by BAN-PT is DIFFERENT from that determined by LAMEMBA. this was stated by LAMEMBA through notification letter No: 559/DE/A.1/HA.2/X/2022   “there is no decrease in Accreditation Rating if a study program obtains Rating A from BAN-PT and then obtains GOOD ONCE from LAMEMBA”

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