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Master of Economics

  • 154 Students
  • 58 Lecturers
  • 1024 Alumni

Graduation Ceremony of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Trisakti

The Graduation Ceremony of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Trisakti for Diploma, Applied Bachelor's, Bachelor's, PPA, Master's & Doctoral Programs for the Even Semester of Academic Year 2023/2024 was held at the Aston Kartika Hotel
Jakarta, Monday, October 21, 2024.

Congratulations to the top graduates of the Master of Economics Program:
Best Graduate I: Inge Salsabila
Best Graduate II: Annisa Dwi Paramitha
Best Graduate III: Arrozaq Ave

Congratulations and success to all graduation participants of the Even Semester 2023/2024

Master of Economics

Our vision includes three main objectives to be achieved by 2030, aligned with the Trisakti University Master Plan. These objectives are international standards, local values, and enhancing the quality of life of the nation.

To realize the vision and mission, the Master of Economics program has endeavored to meet national qualifications based on Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 8 of 2012 concerning the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI), fully applying the KKNI’s fundamental principle of evaluating a person’s performance in the aspects of knowledge, expertise, and skills according to the learning outcomes obtained through education, training, or past experiences, which are equivalent to the qualification descriptors for a certain level.

Since 2015, the Master of Economics program has been using a curriculum based on KKNI. In 2019, the curriculum was evaluated using the Outcome-Based Education (OBE) approach. In 2021, the curriculum evaluation adopted the Independent Learning Program approach following Universitas Trisakti Rector Regulation Number 11 of 2020 on Independent Learning.

The Master of Economics Program at Universitas Trisakti aims to produce graduates who are professional, ethical, and responsible, with noble character and integrity, able to contribute to improving the quality of life in society, the nation, and civilization. The program provides in-depth and comprehensive knowledge in economics and finance and develops the ability to formulate and design micro and macroeconomic solutions based on conventional and Islamic concepts through a multidisciplinary, dynamic, and sustainable approach.


Head of the Master of Economics Program

Dr. Rinaldi Rustam. ME


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