1 | Intermediate Microeconomic Theory | This course aims to analyze, evaluate, develop, recommend, make decisions and compare advanced microeconomic theory using economic theory and its analytical techniques. The subject matter in this course includes: Economic optimization, the concept of supply and demand, analysis of demand and supply, elasticity, production theory, cost and benefit analysis, pricing, market structure, efficiency, market failure, and global aspects of Microeconomics. Referensi : Glenn Hubbard and Anthony Patrick O’Brien, Microeconomics, 3e, Prentice Hall |
2 | Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory | This course aims to analyze, evaluate, develop, recommend, make decisions and compare the calculation of national income, multiplier effect, formulations and instruments of fiscal policy, formulations and instruments of monetary policy, analysis of the impact of monetary and fiscal policy on international exchange rates and trade, macroeconomic management. Referensi : Dornbush, S. Fisher. R. Startz. Macro Economics Eight ed. Irwin Mc Grow Hill. Boston |
3 | Public & Corporate Finance Theory | This course aims to analyze, evaluate, develop, recommend, make decisions and compare theories, concepts and applications to the Theory of Public and Corporate Finance. In addition, this course also directs students to see the reality in the field regarding the practice of implementing concepts and theories, cases that occur in various ways including the survey method. Referensi : Dunn, W.N. Public Policy Analysis: An Introduction, Third Edition, Prentice-Hall International Inc., New Jersey. |
4 | Financial Sector Institutions and Governance | This course aims to analyze, evaluate, develop, recommend, make decisions and compare regarding several industries in the Islamic economic and financial sector environment both including banks and other financial institutions, Conventional Corporate Governance (Governance) and Sharia Corporate Governance, with the topics of Monetary system, Central Bank, OJK Islamic vs conventional financial institutions, Non-Bank Financial Institutions, Implementation of Governance in Sharia Banks, Sharia Insurance Governance, Sharia Pawnshop Governance, Sharia Pension Fund Governance, Governance of microfinance institutions such as BMT, Sharia Money and Foreign Exchange Market Governance, Sharia Capital Market Governance, Sharia Fintech Governance and International Financial Institutions. Referensi : Bank & Islamic Financial Istitutions, Prof. Dr. Veithal, MBA; Latumaerissa , Julius R, Bank dan Lembaga Keuangan Lain Teori dan Kebijakan |
1 | Econometric & Modeling | This course aims to analyze, evaluate, develop, recommend, make decisions and compare regarding Econometrics. This course also provides analytical tools for students to be able to examine various behavioral relationships in economic activities. This course gives emphasis in addition to tools as well as on the interpretation of various quantities in econometrics. This course is conducted with a theoretical approach, an empirical approach and using applicative examples. In the end, students are able to make a model of the relationship between variables correctly and with the appropriate data processing method. Referensi : Wooldgrige jeffrey M, Introduction Econometric: A Modern Approach, Third Edition, Thomson South Western |
2 | Finance & Banking Theory | Courses _ this aim for analyze , evaluate , develop , recommend , take decision and compare about management finance , capital markets as well knowledge economy . Ability you will too the more good with knowledge in the field banking as analysis credit , system Indonesian banking as well institution finance non-banking . making proof transaction , manufacture journal , manufacture book big until with making report finance. References: Musgrave, Richard. A and Peggy. B. Public Finance, In Theory and Practice . 5th Ed. Singapore: Mc. Graw Hill Book Company; Dalton, H, Principles of Public Finance , London |
3 | Banking Risk Management | This course aims to analyze, evaluate, develop, recommend, make decisions and compare the concept and understanding of risk management, especially in the banking sector. Students not only understand market risk, credit risk, operational risk, liquidity risk, reputational risk and other risks, but are also able to measure these risks and the interrelationships between these risks. This subject is also in line with Bank Indonesia Regulation (PBI), especially No.11/25/PBI/2009 – Amendments to PBI No.5/8/PBI/2003 concerning the Application of Risk Management for Commercial Banks and also knowing risks in business processes so that the company’s goals can be achieved. This subject combines presentations, case analysis, comprehensive studies and discussions of important aspects in banking risk management. Referensi : Joel Bessis. “Risk Management in Banking”, 4th Edition. Wiley. 2015; John C Hull. Risk Management and Financial Institutions. 4th Edition. Wiley Finance. 2016 |
4 | Financial Technology | This course aims to analyze, evaluate, develop, recommend, make decisions and compare about platforms, IoT and economic growth, technology changes human interaction, disruptive innovation, owning to sharing, esteem economy, shifting, insuretech, fintech, online games, advertising, online shopping, factory outlets, lean startups and innovation ecosystems. Referensi : Investments: Analysis and Management, 12th Edition. Charles P. Jone |
1 | Financial Distress and Company Restructuration | This course aims _ for analyze , evaluate , develop , recommend , take decision and compare concerning company mergers and capital restructuring in order to increase corporate value through efficiency and/or financial restructuring. Merger of companies is carried out by consolidating or purchasing the company (target/acquired company) by the buying company (acquiring company). Discussions on the financing of this merger were carried out either with funds from the issuance of new shares or the issuance of debt securities (leverage buy-out). In addition to the merger transaction, the calculation of the benefits or synergies arising from the merger and the costs of the merger or acquisition are also discussed. Acquisition costs are calculated by finding the difference between the purchase price and the fair price in the market. The valuation of the results of the merger is carried out by assessing the present benefits that arise and adding them to the combined equity. The discussion on capital restructuring is carried out by changing the composition of debt and equity in order to achieve financial soundness as reflected in optimum earnings per share (earnings per share). Capital restructuring can also be done by reducing equity or debt in the context of downsizing and streamlining the company. References: Adler Haymans Manurung, et al, Company Restructuring: Mergers, Acquisitions and Consolidation and Their Financing ; PT Adler Manurung Pres; Weston, J. Fred, et al Takeovers, Restructuring and Corporate Governance ; 3rd eds., Prentice Hall, New Jersey, USA |
2 | Elective Course 1 | |
3 | Elective Course 2 | |
4 | Research Methodology | This course aims to analyze, evaluate, develop, recommend, make decisions and compare the process in the preparation of scientific papers in the form of research, from starting research to preparing research results in the form of written works. This course will also discuss how to include Islamic elements in a scientific work in developing scientific work. In addition, this research will also discuss the problems that will often be faced in developing scientific work. Referensi : Sekaran. Uma, research methodology; Hair. Joseph F., William C. Black, Barry J. Babin, Multivariate Data Econometrics And Modeling: A Global Perspective, Pearson education |
1 | Thesis Proposal Seminar | |
2 | Thesis | |